Jumat, Mei 11, 2012

Being blue, cause I miss you.

Dunno why, I'm sensitive. 
And sometimes it just too much when I got a PMS, lol I'm just kidding, you know every girls do :p 
Ngga ngga, maksudnya ya gitu, perasa, peka, gampang kepikiran, dan kadang suka over. 

Kadang suka ngga tau apa semuanya itu over, too much...
Kadang suka nerka-nerka sendiri apa semuanya justru bikin kurang nyaman?
Karena bukannya segala sesuatu yang berlebihan itu tidak baik kan?

I can even crying when I miss a person.
I can even crying when I realize that I don't know why I miss that person.
Ngga, bukan lagi curhat. Cuma menganalogikan aja, aku bisa sampe kayak gitu.

And I'm just that over-sensitive. Too much fear. 
Kadang aku kepikiran aja...
Well, you know, this is how I express what I feel. 
I write a lot in Blog, I tweet a lot on Twitter, and I text a lot because I love to make a little contact.

I love to give you a simple care like a good night and good morning messages. 
Or even simply leave a sweet message in a middle of night just to make you smile in the morning when you wake up. 
Tapi yang sering bikin kepikiran itu ya itu, takutnya it just too much for you. Takutnya ga suka.
Is it too much?
Do you hate how I express what I feel? 

I know you accept me the way I am. 
But, there was she. She didn't write too much, didn't she? 
Did she do all these things?
Okay! This is my biggest fear... what-if-I-can't-do-better.

Well, this is me. I have a lot of fears.
Tapi mungkin intinya cuma gara-gara... kangen. Oke deh. 
I miss you tonight as you fall asleep without text me.
I miss you as I rarely met you at school.
I miss you as you're kinda busy these times...
I miss you, because now, time felt so short. Cause you weren't always near.
I miss you........ a little.
I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often and a little more each day...

LAGI-LAGI too much? 
Ah I had no controlled over for these feelings, really.

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